Animal chiropractors serve an important role in the animal health care system and are distinct from veterinarians. In addition to earning a chiropractic degree, these professionals have received advanced training and certification through a nationally recognized accrediting organization. Their clients include horses, dogs, and other animals.
Although animal chiropractors are currently practicing across the state of Tennessee, the veterinary board is trying to stop them from serving their animal patients even though veterinarians are not typically trained in chiropractic care. Trained, certified animal chiropractors should be free to earn a living by being free to practice their profession and serving animals and their owners. This legislation will ensure that qualified and knowledgeable animal chiropractors are allowed to provide chiropractic services to animals.
Do you believe that trained, certified animal chiropractors should be free from overburdensome regulations? Send a message to lawmakers today!
STATUS UPDATE: The bill has been filed for the 2025 General Assembly as SB 128 / HB 164.