Beacon Impact

Increase Access to Healthcare by Eliminating CON Laws

Increase Access to Healthcare by Eliminating CON Laws

Healthcare can be expensive and complex. But Tennessee’s rules and restrictions are making it worse, often for those who can least afford care. Adopted in the 1970s, certificate-of-need (CON) laws require a government permission slip before providing most healthcare services, such as opening a new hospital or purchasing high-tech medical equipment. Imagine if every new […]

Expanding School Choice in Tennessee

Expanding School Choice in Tennessee

This year, legislators are considering a proposal to give parents across Tennessee options when it comes to educating their children.  Education Freedom Scholarships would provide around $7,000 for a student to attend a school of their choice as well as pay for other approved educational expenses, like tutoring, therapies, and textbooks. Such educational choice programs […]

Have a Voice in Massive Property Tax Increases

Have a Voice in Massive Property Tax Increases

Despite tax cuts in recent years at the state level, there have been significant tax increases at the local level, especially property taxes. In 2019 alone, more than $208 million in proposed or adopted property tax increases occurred across the state. It doesn’t help Tennesseans if their taxes are cut at the state level only […]